Advantage Nutrigenomics

Nutritional genomics or nutrigenomics is a multidisciplinary science that deals with the study of how foods affect our genes and how individual genetic differences can affect the way we responds to nutrients and other naturally occurring compounds in the foods we eat. Nutrigenomics helps us appropriately understand the relationship between human genome, diet, nutrition and health.

As you are aware, no two people in the world have the same fingerprints. Similarly, our genetic variations are unique identifiers which make us different from others. It is the variations in genes that make us who we are. From our gender, color of our hair, eyes and skin, the types of foods that work best with our bodies and even the type of exercise designed to maximize our individual performance, our genes are the set of instructions for the creation and maintenance of our bodies.

As you know, our genes are composed of combinations of nucleotides (A, C, G and T). While there are only four possible bases, they can be combined in billions of ways to code for countless functions in our body. These four bases make up the DNA sequence and combine to form words and phrases that give instructions to your body for literally everything from how your cells function to the color of your hair.

Benefits Of Genetics Based Diet

Targeted Nutrition

Development of precise evidence based nutritional treatment.

Quick results

There's no trial and error. It is precise and customized to the genetic data.

To promote health and reverse diseases

Best treatment for anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory.

Contribution to public health

Massive contribution to public health which can save millions for government exchequer.

One size does not fit all

Nutritional genomics helps explain the different individual responses to diet when they are giving the same nutritional treatment. This is how a person gets to know the nutrition that their body requires, not just the RDA (recommended daily allowance) but based on the genotype.

Diet related disease prevention

Based on the genetic report, we will be able to provide accurate personalized nutrition information to help improve overall health and minimize risk for diseases.